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magnified healing

Magnified Healing has been brought down on Earth by Kwan Yin, the Chinese Goddess of Mercy and Forgiveness. Kwan Yin is known to Buddhists as Gwa Shin and Goddess Tara. The name Kwan Yin means "she who harkens to the cries of the world.”

Magnified Healing is a 5th dimensional frequency vibration healing energy and is a tool for the Ascension process because its focus is on the heart – Unconditional Spiritual Love and Compassion, we build our Light Body, we work with the Spiritual Hierarchy of Ascended Masters, and we are of service to others.

In this time of important earth and cosmic energy shifts, mankind now has an opportunity to enter into a creation consciousness. And as Planet Earth is approaching its mutation into a body of light, so too humanity needs to begin its mutation into higher vibratory dimensions. In order to accomplish our ascent into Oneness, we need to heal ourselves at all levels: physical, emotional, mental, etheric, spiritual.

An ancient healing modality was introduced to earth in 1983. In 1992, under the direct intervention and inspiration of Lady Master Kwan Yin, Magnified Healing® of the GOD MOST HIGH OF THE UNIVERSE was brought forth into its expanded form for the spiritual advancement of Humanity and the Earth. Magnified Healing® establishes a constant flow of energy from your heart to the Source, the All That Is, the Infinite Mind, the GOD MOST HIGH OF THE UNIVERSE, through all of the Spiritual Centers, down to the Diamond at the Center of the Earth. The link spirals and brings a deep state of grace pulsing forth from the Source, laying the very foundation for the Ascension process.

Many have described Magnified Healing energy as "soft yet powerful,” "magnetic,” "very yin” (or feminine) in its essence. Using the center line of the body and starting at the top of the head, practitioners place one hand in front of the body and the other behind the body. They then move their hands down the body (usually without touching the recipient), all the way to the feet until the entire body has been treated with Magnified Healing.

Those who have experienced this beautiful energy feel uplifted, peaceful, connected to the Source Creator. Magnified Healing recipients often feel a pleasant tingling or pulsing in areas with which the healing facilitator is working. The recipient generally completes the treatment with great reduction of stress and pain.

The beautiful thing with Magnified Healing is whatever stage you’re at on your journey, the energy of the technique meets you at that place and takes you to the next level, daily! So it suits beginners and spiritual seekers alike.

Magnified Healing occurs through balancing the spiritual centers (the chakras). It fully integrates all modalities. From breath and sound to movement, the seeker is actively, consciously engaged in the process. The healer is merely a facilitator, allowing the participant to continue on the healing process without further assistance.

Many forms of healing are "healer focused" meaning that the seeker must go to a physician, priest, temple, shaman or other place to receive healing".* In most vibrational healing methods, the healing is channeled and directed through the healer. In Magnified Healing®, the practitioner creates the energy with GOD MOST HIGH OF THE UNIVERSE and becomes Magnified Healing. It is a total empowerment.

Frequently Asked Questions

1) What is Magnified Healing?

This amazing healing technique was brought to us by Master Teachers Gisele King and Kathryn Anderson, who with the blessing of the Divine Master Kwan Yin, have created Lauren's favorite healing modality. A truly compassionate healing energy, so pure of love and filled with Kwan Yin's essence, this system works deeply with the heart, keeping you centered to the god source and the ascension energies.

2) How does Magnified Healing work?

Magnified Healing® establishes a constant flow of energy from your heart to the Source, the All That Is, the Infinite Mind, the GOD MOST HIGH OF THE UNIVERSE, through all of the Spiritual Centers, down to the Diamond at the Center of the Earth. The link spirals and brings a deep state of grace pulsing forth from the Source, laying the very foundation for the Ascension process. The MH energy flows from one hand to the other through the body of the client immediately releasing all misqualified energies and imbalances that are then sent to the Violet Fire for transmutation.

3) What is the difference between Reiki and Magnified Healing?

While Reiki (Traditional Usui) and Magnified Healing are both vibrational energy healing, the Reiki energy is passed via a channel of Divine Energy. It is a channeled energy and is directed into the body of the person. The body takes the energy and utilizes it to the level of acceptance of the individual receiving it and the imbalances are processed through the natural processes of the body in a number of ways like crying, sleeping, etc. In Magnified Healing, the Master co-creates the energy with GOD MOST HIGH; he becomes it.

4) Kwan Yin's electronic pattern is the Five-Petaled Lotus. What is an electronic pattern?

Every individual has a life pattern (a flower, flame, cross, etc.) that is stamped on every electron of energy he uses or that flows through him/her. It is a pattern given the God-Flame when individualized. The vibration of your individuality has a specific pattern, also a certain tone, or music theme. Kwan Yin's electronic pattern is the Five-Petaled Lotus. It is her vibratory energy. The Lotus symbol is not used in the practice of Magnified Healing, only as the Logo.

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