"It is not the actions of life which are enriching and fulfilling, it is the depth of experience".

I aim to be the guide to help BALANCE life, by unveiling the deep secrets of the hidden occult science, so that people can put these into best possible use and human race can be benefited from this in the maximum manner.

Also to link the fields of psychology, philosophy, spirituality and astrology into one unified field to help my clients proceed with confidence, clarity and purpose with very realistic and practical need of the hour solutions, easily adoptable .

I am here to promote this legendary knowledge as a SCIENCE (easily believable, acceptable, absorbed and adaptable) and not as a MYTH.

I have taken upon myself to spread this knowledge in the true sense and help mankind EVOLVE……….

My primary concern is to help my clients gain a greater acceptance of themselves and others, by approaching life situations with an openness to learn in every moment of life.

And so 'DISHAA' the name showing right GUIDELINE to a POSITIVE LIVING for experiencing higher states of consciousness to remember the purpose of our lives and recreate WHO WE REALLY ARE ……..

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